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Since 1982

Digestive Support For A Healthy Life


Featured Products

Not all probiotics are what they seem!

Where do your probiotics come from?

At Natren, we have isolated every important detail associated with probiotics. From research to manufacturing and even to method of delivery, we directly control each detail along the way, leaving no variables in producing maximum effectiveness. Your health is important to us.

  • Made by Natren in the USA
  • Highest quality & manufacturing standards
  • Pharmaceutical testing for purity
  • One of the few to have attained International cGMP certification
  • Superior strain selection & protection
  • Cold chain delivery all the way to your doorstep
  • 100% potency of each strain guaranteed
  • Plastic-free bottles and caps, environmentally friendly
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NATREN’s Healthy Trinity

Three Tried and True Super Strains


Lactobacillus bulgaricus, 5 billion CFU

Immune Support

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 5 billion CFU

Helps eliminate toxins

Bifidobacterium bifidum, 20 billion CFU

Natren's Healthy Trinity is formulated with a 3 in 1 probiotic system to provide over 30 Billion colony forming units of healthy bacteria where you need it most. Each capsule uses a patented oil delivery system to ensure the probiotics actually make it to your GI tract.

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What people are saying


Natren est issu d'une longue tradition d'excellence probiotique et d'héritage culturel, qui a débuté il y a plus de 750 ans dans la région septentrionale de la Macédoine. Dirigée par le couple Natasha & Yordan Trenev, Natren® a littéralement apporté les probiotiques en Amérique du Nord, initiant les Américains à la culture des cultures vivantes. Le yaourt étant le premier véhicule des probiotiques, Natasha et Yordan ont fini par développer une gamme de produits probiotiques contenant tout le spectre d'une flore intestinale saine. Grâce à leur riche histoire et à leur innovation dans ce secteur clé, Natren est tout simplement au-dessus du lot.

  • Installation de qualité pharmaceutique
  • Des décennies de recherche scientifique
  • Tests validés par des tiers
  • Une capacité de survie éprouvée
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